## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X MSG_PARSER_UNEXPECTED_EOF ; unexpected end of file MSG_PARSER_STR_TOO_LONG ; string too long MSG_PARSER_UNTERMINATED_STRING ; unterminated string MSG_PARSER_UNEXPECTED_CHAR ; unexpected character MSG_PARSER_BRA_EXPECTED ; '(' expected MSG_PARSER_KET_EXPECTED ; ')' expected MSG_PARSER_INTEGER_EXPECTED ; integer expected MSG_PARSER_STRING_EXPECTED ; string expected MSG_PARSER_KEYWORD_EXPECTED ; keyword expected MSG_PARSER_UNEXPECTED_SYMBOL ; unexpected symbol MSG_PARSER_INVALID_KEYWORD ; invalid keyword MSG_PARSER_ERROR ; %s %d Error: %s MSG_PARSER_LOG_UNKNOWN_SCANNER ; unknown log scanner MSG_PARSER_INVALID_PERCENTAGE ; invalid percentage MSG_PARSER_UNKNOWN_RATE ; unknown rate MSG_PARSER_RATE_INVALID_UNITS ; invalid units MSG_PARSER_RATE_INVALID_DAY ; invalid day MSG_PARSER_RATE_INVALID_COSTS ; invalid costs MSG_PARSER_RATE_INVALID_DATE_DD_MMM ; invalid date (dd mmm) MSG_PARSER_RATE_INVALID_DATE_DD_MMM_YY ; invalid date (dd mmm yyyy) MSG_PARSER_RATE_INVALID_HOUR ; invalid hour MSG_Unlisted_host_found ; Unlisted host found:\n%s (%s) MSG_Ok_Cancel ; Ok|Cancel MSG_Add_Skip_Cancel ; Add|Skip|Cancel MSG_calls ; calls MSG_call ; call MSG_Ok MSG_Continue ; Continue MSG_Save ; Save MSG_Open ; Open MSG_Select ; Select MSG_File_exists ; File \"%s\" already exists. Overwrite? MSG_Replace_Cancel ; Replace|Cancel MSG_Use ; Use MSG_Cancel ; Cancel MSG_Add ; Add MSG_Copy ; Copy MSG_Edit ; Edit MSG_Remove ; Remove MSG_Remove_all ; Remove all MSG_File ; File MSG_File_name ; File name MSG_Name ; Name MSG_Options ; Options MSG_Information ; Information MSG_Miscellaneous ; Miscellaneous MSG_What_ ; What? MSG_Understood ; Understood MSG_No_way_ ; No way! MSG_Copyright ; Copyright MSG_Written_by ; Written by MSG_Registered_to ; Registered to %s MSG_Unregistered_evaluation_copy ; * Unregistered evaluation copy * MSG_Shareware_notice ; You are using an unregistered\nevaluation copy of `phonebill'.\nYou may use the program for a period\nof up to 3 weeks for evaluation.\nAfter that, you have to register.\nPlease read the documentation for\ninformation on how to register. MSG_To_contact_me_write_to ; To contact me write to: MSG_Send_mail ; Or send mail to: MSG_standard_settings ; standard settings MSG_Sunday ; Sunday MSG_Monday ; Monday MSG_Tuesday ; Tuesday MSG_Wednessday ; Wednesday MSG_Thursday ; Thursday MSG_Friday ; Friday MSG_Saturday ; Saturday MSG_Costs ; Costs MSG_Date ; Date MSG_Time ; Time MSG_Host ; Host MSG_Hosts ; Hosts MSG_Calls ; Calls MSG_Hours ; Hours MSG_Rates ; Rates MSG_Rate ; Rate MSG_Minutes ; Minutes MSG_Pay_per_unit ; %s/unit MSG_Seconds_per_unit ; Seconds/unit MSG_Seconds ; Seconds MSG_Online ; Online MSG_From ; From MSG_To MSG_days ; days MSG_day ; day MSG_Phonebill_request ; Phonebill request MSG_Group ; Group MSG_Groups ; Groups MSG_Group_settings ; Group settings MSG_unnamed_entry ; MSG_Out_of_memory ; Out of memory MSG_All ; All MSG_Default ; Default MSG_Presets ; Presets MSG_Preset ; Preset MSG_Dates ; Dates MSG_Error_reading ; Error reading \"%s\" MSG_Error_writing ; Error writing \"%s\" MSG_Error_creating_window ; Error creating window MSG_Fatal_error ; Fatal error! MSG_Do_you_really_want_to_quit ; Do you really want to quit `phonebill'? MSG_Program_settings_changed ; The program settings have been changed MSG_Log_settings_changed ; The log settings have been changed MSG_Host_settings_changed ; The host settings have been changed MSG_Rates_settings_changed ; The rates have been changed MSG_Presets_changed ; The presets have been changed MSG_Save_Abandon_Cancel ; Save|Abandon|Cancel MSG_Scanning ; Scanning MSG_Scanning_file ; Scanning \"%s\" MSG_Truncating ; Truncating MSG_Truncating_file ; Truncating \"%s\" MSG_File_has_reached_maxsize ; File \"%s\" has reached its maximum size MSG_Updating_binary_log_file ; Updating binary log file MSG_Completed ; Completed MSG_Truncated_file ; Truncated \"%s\" MSG_Scanned_file ; Scanned \"%s\", found %d %s MSG_Next_file ; Next file MSG_Action ; Action MSG_Total_calls ; Total calls MSG_Rescan_warning ; This operation will rescan all log files. Each\ncall found no matter if it was already processed\nby a previous scan operation will be regarded as\na new call. MSG_Invalid_from_date ; Invalid date MSG_Invalid_to_date ; Invalid date MSG_Invalid_date ; Invalid date MSG_Invalid_date_range ; Invalid date range MSG_Aborted___ ; Aborted... MSG_REPORT_HEADER ; %s report from %s up to %s (%ld %s):\n\n MSG_Statistics ; Statistics MSG_List_calls ; List calls MSG_Bill ; Bill MSG_Last_connection ; Last connection MSG_Total_time ; Total time MSG_AM_Hours ; AM Hours MSG_PM_Hours ; PM Hours MSG_STATS_Number_of ; Number of MSG_STATS_hours_online ; hours online MSG_Calls_perc_of_total ; Calls (% of total calls) MSG_Graphical_statistics ; Graphical statistics MSG_Dayly_statistics ; Daily statistics MSG_Estimated_costs ; Estimated costs by the end of this period MSG_RATE_UNSET ; MSG_RATE_PERIOD_TO ; to %s MSG_RATE_PERIOD_FROM ; from %s MSG_RATE_PERIOD_FROM_TO ; from %s to %s MSG_Area_codes_pattern ; Area codes pattern MSG_Process_logs ; Process logs MSG_Hide ; Hide MSG_About ; About MSG_Control ; Control MSG_Operation ; Operation MSG_MISCPANEL_BILLSORT_ALPHA ; Alphabetically MSG_MISCPANEL_BILLSORT_CALLS ; Number of calls MSG_MISCPANEL_BILLSORT_TIME ; Total online time MSG_MISCPANEL_BILLSORT_COSTS ; Costs MSG_MISCPANEL_BILLSORT_LASTCONNECTION ; Last connection MSG_Program_settings ; Program settings MSG_Binary_log_file ; Binary log file MSG_Carrier_detect_time__secs_ ; Carrier detect time (secs) MSG_Save_dates_on_exit ; Save dates on exit MSG_Report_settings ; Report settings MSG_Text_viewer ; Text viewer MSG_Report_file ; Report file MSG_Bill_sort_method ; Bill sort method MSG_Delete_report_after_viewing ; Delete report after viewing MSG_Miscellaneous_settings ; Miscellaneous settings MSG_Select_text_viewer ; Select text viewer MSG_Select_binary_log_file ; Select binary log file MSG_Select_report_file ; Select report file MSG_Nodelist_path ; Nodelist path MSG_Close_Hide ; Close only hides MSG_Icon_Hide ; Use icon when hidden MSG_Public_screen ; Public screen MSG_Process_on_startup ; Process logs on startup MSG_ASCII_reports ; ASCII reports MSG_Log_files ; Log files MSG_Scan_log_file ; Scan log file MSG_Check_archivebit ; Check archivebit MSG_Truncate_log_file ; Truncate log file MSG_Preserve_blocks ; Preserve blocks MSG_Truncate_options ; Truncate options MSG_Sign_log_file ; Sign log file MSG_Max_size_Kb ; Max. size (Kb) MSG_Truncate_percentage ; Truncate % MSG_Scanners ; Scanners MSG_Log_settings ; Log settings MSG_Select_log_file ; Select log file MSG_Maintenance ; Maintenance MSG_Telephone_number ; Tel. number MSG_Call_settings ; Call settings MSG_Maintenance_not_available ; Binary log file maintenance is not\navailable in the unregistered version.\nPlease read the documentation for\ninformation on how to register. MSG_Carrier_detection ; Carrier detection MSG_Use_default ; Use default MSG_Insufficient_host_information ; Insufficient host information MSG_Host_settings ; Host settings MSG_Rate_in_use ; The selected rate is in use by one or more hosts MSG_List_of_periods ; List of periods MSG_Rate_settings ; Rate settings MSG_Period ; Period MSG_Days_and_dates ; Days and dates MSG_Add_date_s_ ; Add date(s) MSG_Add_day_s_ ; Add day(s) MSG_Units ; Units MSG_Unit ; Unit MSG_Minimal_costs ; Min. costs MSG_Connection_costs ; Connect costs MSG_Rate_period_settings ; Rate period settings MSG_Active_date_s_ ; Active date(s) MSG_Date_s_ ; Date(s) MSG_Comment ; Comment MSG_Active_day_s_ ; Active day(s) MSG_Day_s__settings ; Day(s) settings MSG_Date_s__settings ; Date(s) settings MSG_Set_unit ; Set unit MSG_Set_time ; Set time MSG_MEN_Project ; Project MSG_MEN_Process_logs ; Process logs MSG_MEN_Rescan_logs ; Rescan logs MSG_MEN_Hide ; H\0Hide MSG_MEN_About ; ?\0About `phonebill'... MSG_MEN_Quit ; Q\0Quit MSG_MEN_Settings ; Settings MSG_MEN_Miscellaneous ; M\0Miscellaneous... MSG_MEN_Host ; O\0Host... MSG_MEN_Log ; L\0Log... MSG_MEN_Rates ; R\0Rates... MSG_MEN_Group ; G\0Group... MSG_MEN_Report_presets ; P\0Report presets... MSG_MEN_Save_settings ; Save settings MSG_OFFSET_TEST1_TXT ; ->v3.3